BBC, Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit and Bank of England fail fact check on statements made about climate change
As we see out the year, Paul Homewood fact-checked the BBC, the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit and the Bank of England on statements made about climate change. All three failed.
Paul Homewood is a retired accountant and climate blogger who has been writing on climate and energy issues since 2011. He is a prominent figure in the climate science truth movement, with his blog, ‘Not A Lot Of People Know That’, having attracted over 12 million visitors since its launch, according to left-wing propaganda website De Smog.
Below are three articles Homewood published on 29 and 30 December pointing out fallacies disseminated by corporate media about climate change. You can read the articles by following the hyperlinks contained in the subtitles.
Climate Change Tricking UK Seasons – BBC
On 26 December, the BBC claimed that UK species are under threat as they are being “tricked” by shifting seasons due to climate change, with key spring events happening 9 days earlier than 25 years ago.
However, HH Lamb, writing in 1982, said that the start of spring in the UK was later in the 1960s and 70s due to global cooling than it had done thirty years earlier.
Providing a graph of mean average temperatures from 1890 to 2020 for England, Homewood explained, “In short, the climate now is pretty much back to what it was a century ago!”
The BBC‘s claims are exaggerated and natural variability in temperature and weather patterns is being misinterpreted as evidence of climate change.
Climate Change Will Devastate Value of Homes, Warns Bank of England
As reported by The Telegraph on 30 December, the Bank of England (“BoE”) has warned that climate change could devastate the value of hundreds of thousands of homes in the UK, with around 300,000 homes at risk of losing a fifth of their value. The warning is based on projections of the impact of extreme climate scenarios, particularly increased flood risks.
BoE’s warning is exaggerated. “Only about 5,000 properties were affected by flooding in England in the year to 24 March [2024] … there is a problem with uninsurable properties but this is due to them being built on flood plains, not climate change,” Homewood said.
Adding, “Surely the Bank should be more concerned about the economic catastrophe coming our way thanks to Net Zero?”
The Telegraph Cereal Harvest Lies
On 12 December, The Telegraph reported the UK’s 2024 cereal harvest as the “second-worst on record” but it’s actually only the lowest since 2020.
The Telegraph quoted Tom Lancaster, from the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit (“ECIU”) as saying: “This year’s harvest was a shocker, and climate change is to blame. Whilst shoppers have been partly insulated by imports picking up some of the slack, Britain’s farmers have borne the brunt of the second-worst harvest on record.”
The poor harvest is due to the wet autumn last year, not climate change, as cereal production has been stable since the 1980s despite occasional bad weather.
“Poor harvests do happen in the UK from time to time because of bad weather. The drought in 1976, for instance, or the wet summers in 2007 and 2012,” Homewood said. “There was also another extremely low harvest in 2001, which as this year’s was caused by the wet autumn the year before.”
The ECIU’s claims about climate change causing the poor harvest are baseless.
Who is ECIU?
The Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit (“ECIU”) is a non-profit organisation based in the UK, incorporated in 2014. Its mission is to support informed debate on energy and climate change issues in the UK by providing “accurate and accessible” briefings to journalists, parliamentarians and other communicators.
The ECIU’s work has been referenced by British and global press outlets, demonstrating its influence in shaping the national conversation on energy and climate change. Its research and analysis have also contributed to “more informed” debates in parliament and among policymakers.
Its LinkedIn page states (emphasis added): “All of our funding comes from charitable foundations. We gratefully acknowledge the support of the European Climate Foundation, the Grantham Foundation for the Protection of the Environment and the Tellus Mater Foundation.”
The European Climate Foundation includes the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Bloomberg Philanthropies, Chris Hohn’s Children’s Investment Fund Foundation and ClimateWorks Foundation, a group of “philanthropists,” among its funders.
What is the Goal?
We’ve previously published articles about the foundations established by the billionaire class which are seeking to present a solution for a problem that doesn’t exist. The “problem” is the alleged climate change crisis which has been fabricated to serve as a smokescreen for the controligarchs’ plan to dominate and control every aspect of our lives. You can find our previous articles by following the hyperlinks below:
- Proposed Australian plans for “energy efficient” homes will destroy private home ownership, The Exposé, 14 September 2023
- “Fossil Fuel Treaty” activism is funded by a small group of global foundations, The Exposé, 28 September 2023
- Bill Gates: Africans need genetically modified seeds and chickens to fight climate change, The Exposé, 23 November 2023
- Bill Gates proves he is not a “science people” and is an idiot: I don’t plant trees, planting trees is nonsense, he said, The Exposé, 30 July 2024
In 2023, investigative journalist Seamus Bruner published his book ‘Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, their Secret Deals and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life’. In it, Bruner dedicates chapters to each of the Rockefeller family and Bill Gates. He also details the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset. You can read a review of the book Controligarchs HERE.
Shortly after it was released, Bruner joined The Hill for a brief discussion about his book. This brief interview gives a taste of what the controligarchs are doing and how they’re doing it. It is this that is driving the narrative used by the BBC, ECIU and Bank of England.