Assad: The Nero of the East Whose Downfall Precedes Messiah
Damascus, Syria -May, 2022: Portrait image of Bashar al-Assad, President of Syria (Source: Shutterstock)
On Sunday, it was reported that Bashar al-Assad fled Syria as rebel forces swiftly overtook Damascus. As the dust settles, the geopolitical repercussions will echo far beyond Syria’s borders, particularly for Israel, which has closely monitored developments in the Golan Heights and the broader Syrian conflict.
But Bible believers understand that the fall of Syria has dire prophetic implications. Shimon Tubul, the Deputy Mayor of Beer Sheva, appeared on Channel 14 News. Tubul, a religious Jew who serves in the Givati Brigade of the IDF, described the connection between the Messiah and the fall of Assad. He cited a story in the Otzar HaMidrashim, a collection of midrashic literature, that told how Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, the founder of Jewish mysticism, also known by the acronym ‘Rashbi,’ described his encounter with an angel while he was in a cave.
“This will be for you a sign,” the angel told the Rashbi. “When you see that the Nero of the East in Damascus has fallen, then the kingdom of the East will have fallen and the redemption in Israel will flourish and the Messiah from the House of David will arrive.”
“Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai said this 2,000 years ago,” Tubul said. “Who knows? Maybe this is the time of redemption.”
To further emphasize Assad’s connection to the Nero of the East that will bring Moshiach Ben David, his name (בַּשַׁאר אַסַאד) in gematria (Hebrew numerology) equals to נִרוֹן מִזְרָחִי (Nero of the East).
Indeed, a political cartoon that was widely circulated in Arab media in 2012 portrayed Asad as Nero, fiddling while Syria burned. The rule of the original Nero, an emperor of ancient Rome, is associated with tyranny, extravagance, cruelty, and madness.
This parallel was also noted by Rabbi Yekutiel Fish, known in Israel as the author of the Torah blog “Sod Ha’Chashmal.”
“Jeremiah predicted a fire in the fortresses of Damascus that will presage Messiah,” Rabbi Fish told Israel365 News.
I will set fire to the wall of Damascus, And it shall consume the fortresses of Ben-hadad. Jeremiah 48:27
“Ben-hadad in gematria equals 65, the same as ‘Assad,’” Rabbi Fish said. “This recent upheaval in Syria conforms to the prophet’s description.”
Rabbi Fish cited the Midrash, claiming that Assad has an integral role to play in the flourishing of Moshiach Ben David (Messiah, son of David). This refers to the second half of the Messianic process which includes the return of the Davidic Dynasty and the building of the Third Temple.
“Though the Arabs certainly did not intend a reference to the Midrash, Assad is referred to in the Arab world as the ‘Nero of the East,” Rabbi Fish explained, noting the gematria that links Nero of the East to Bashar al-Assad.
“There is an additional hint that the fall of Damascus is linked to the building of the Mikdash (Temple),” Rabbi Fish said. “The Hebrew letters used to spell Damascus (דמשק) can be rearranged to spell ‘Mikdash’ (מקדש), the Temple”

Rabbi Yosef Berger sees Syria’s conflict as more divine than mundane.
“It is clearly Divine intervention that has supported Syria while all the other countries around them fell,” Rabbi Berger told Israel365 News. “This was only so that all 70 nations of the world would gather in Syria as they are doing now.”
“But each nation has its ministering angel, and the real battle is being waged in Heaven between them,” Rabbi Berger said. “We do not see this battle, but we will see the results. As the angel of Syria falls, all the other ministering angels of Esau and Ishmael will also fall.”
Rabbi Berger emphasized that this was not just a regional conflict. The battle being waged in Syria has implications for the Moshiach (Messiah). Rabbi Berger cited Rabbi Jacob ben Asher, a 13th-century Biblical commentator known as the Ba’al Haturim, in his explanation of a verse in Genesis.
These were the years of the life of Ishmael: one hundred and thirty-seven years; then he breathed his last and died, and was gathered to his kin. Genesis 25:18
Rabbi Asher explained in his commentary, “This verse, relating the death of Ishmael, is adjacent to the verse describing Isaac’s life, in order to teach that when Ishmael falls, it will be the end-of-days, and the Son of David (the Messiah), who is from the descendants of Isaac, will flourish.”“Of all the countries in the world, it is very strange that Israel seems to be the least involved with what is going on in Syria,” Rabbi Berger said. “But it will become clear that the fall of Syria will mark a turning point in the geula (redemption).”