
As the world burns, America fiddles

Israel is under attack. How does America fit in?


A friend from Israel asks if Americans really know what is going on in Israel. On top of that, do Americans really know what’s going on in America.


Good question, on both counts.


He says, “In Israel, we used to feel the love from America. What happened?” I tell him, the Democrats happened.


He asks, “Can America really be serious about Kamala Harris?”


To answer those questions, he refers me to a column he came across in my book of Writings, and could I share some of those thoughts, more pertinent today than they were before.


Okay, as follows:


As the world burns, we fiddle.


We trifle along obsessed on race and gender. The Left stays up nights worrying about transgender people, who are 0.06 percent of the population.


Gender…you’d think that was figured out between Adam and Eve. Not good enough, and on race, it will never be good enough.


Given what’s going on, you’d think we’d be worried about our military preparedness. Are we up to speed? Leaderless, even the Taliban had us on the run.


Most of them who make the news are worried about Whiteness, and White Supremacy, as if that’s got anything to do with the price of potatoes.


Elsewhere, they don’t have time for such trivia. There, the game is life or death.


Only in America do we have the luxury to pursue lightness of being.


Or as my mother used to say…America, the land of silken worries.


Are we grateful?


Or are we spoiled rotten from over-abundance? Tyrants and criminals re-arm, we de-fund the police.


Too big, too rich, too much time on our hands to consider the consequences, we elect morons to lead us…up a creek without a paddle.


You wanted Biden, you got Biden…with Kamala into the bargain.


In the real world, like China, they rank number one in math. We rank 37th.


“That, my Israeli friend, is the big picture. Or, as another Israeli wrote to me…Hashem will have to step in to save us from ourselves.


God bless America. Am Yisroel Chai.

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