
Are They Really Eating Our Pets?

Are They Really Eating Our Pets?

Sometimes I just shake my head when I see the stuff that is being talked about in the news.  Just when you think that things can’t get any worse, somehow we manage to sink to a new low.  In this article, I am going to tackle a very disturbing topic.  But first I want to make it crystal clear that I am not against anyone.  I believe in loving all people no matter what they look like or where they are originally from.  Every single person that is living in our world today has great value, and it is my goal to share the truth with as many of them as I can while there is still time to do so.  But that doesn’t mean that it is wise to throw our borders wide open and allow millions of people that are not being properly screened to come rushing in.  When you choose to have wide open borders, it is inevitable that there will be absolutely massive social problems, and that is precisely what we are witnessing right now.

At this moment, there is a tremendous amount of discussion on social media about what is happening in the city of Springfield, Ohio.

The Haitian population of Springfield has become very large, and Newsweek is reporting that it is being alleged that “some of these people have been killing and eating folks’ pets”…

Springfield, which had a population of around 60,000, has recently been at the center of the immigration debate, with its Haitian community growing to between 15,000 and 20,000 over the last four years, according to city officials.

The past few days have seen locals report that some of these people have been killing and eating folks’ pets.

Kirk posted about this on Sunday, when he wrote on X, formerly Twitter: “Residents of Springfield, OH are reporting that Haitians are eating their family pets, another gift of the Biden-Harris mass immigration replacement plan. Liberals will soon be lecturing Americans on why they need to be sensitive to Haitian culture and accept this as the new normal. Those idiots deserve to be condemned and mocked mercilessly. Save our pets. Secure our borders.”

At a recent city commission meeting, one local resident was literally begging for officials to do something.

He claimed that migrants are “grabbing up ducks by their neck” and “eating them”…

‘I really challenge you guys to get out here and do something,’ he told the meeting.

‘These Haitians are running into trash cans, running into buildings… they’re flipping cars in the middle of the streets…’

The man added: ‘They’re in the park, grabbing up ducks by their neck, and cutting their head off and walking off with them. They’re eating them.’

Another local resident told the commission that confrontations with Haitian migrants have become so frequent that she “can’t take it anymore”

Another local told the city that she “can’t take it anymore,” as Haitian migrants are littering on her yard and harassing she and her husband.

Resident Glenda Bailey told the city “They have become the occupiers. What they’ve done is they’ve replaced the population in Springfield.”

Tensions came to a boil last year after a illegal immigrant from Haiti caused a school bus crash last August, killing 11-year-old Aiden Clark after the child was thrown out of the emergency exit as the bus rolled off the road. Another 20 students were injured.

When asked about this, one official acknowledged the stories that are being spread but he insisted that “we haven’t really seen any of that”

‘I think it’s sad that some people are using this as an opportunity to spread hate or spread fear,’ deputy director of public safety and operations Jason Via told NPR.

‘We get these reports “the Haitians are killing ducks in a lot of our parks” or “the Haitians are eating vegetables right out of the aisle at the grocery store.”

‘And we haven’t really seen any of that. It’s really frustrating. As a community, it’s not helpful as we try to move forward.’

So who is telling the truth?

As I was doing research for this story, I did discover one recent incident in Canton, Ohio where a woman was arrested after she started eating a cat

An Ohio woman was arrested after she allegedly killed a cat and began eating the feline in front of her neighbors.

Allexis Telia Ferrell, 27, is charged with injuring animals, prohibitions concerning companion animals and disorderly conduct.

Ferrell reportedly stomped on the cat’s head to kill the animal before eating it in a residential area in front of multiple people at a housing complex on 13th Street SE in Canton, Ohio, the Canton Police Department said, according to Gray News.

And I also found an account that was posted by journalist Darren Beattie about three rabbits that were killed by Haitian migrants in New Jersey…

I have a story about this from New Jersey.

A Haitian “family” moved into my cousins neighborhood in Edison, NJ.

A small suburban neighborhood that was mostly Italians for forever. As they died off the houses got sold to various rental only companies. My cousin is the ONLY owner on her cull de sac. There are nine houses.

They’ve had rabbits outside for AGES. They have a hutch that heated, has water, a run in area that’s covered and fenced.

Well one night they are sleeping and they heard a horrible noise. My cousin knew immediately it was the rabbits and she and her husband got up and went to check on the rabbits.

There were three members of the Haitian “family” from next door, they had started a fire on the lawn and killed three rabbits. They were in the process off preparing them to cook.

What is acceptable in one part of the world can be quite unacceptable in another part of the world.

If people are going to come here, they are going to have to adapt to our laws and our culture.

In New York City, authorities are very alarmed by the dramatic spike in the number of animal sacrifices that are taking place.  The following comes from the New York Post

Animal sacrifices are surging in Queens, with chickens, pigs and rats being tortured, mutilated or killed in “twisted” religious rituals in parkland surrounding Jamaica Bay, The Post has learned.

In a little over a month, at least nine wounded animals or carcasses have been discovered in the federally-managed Spring Creek Park in Howard Beach and the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge in Broad Channel — including five live pigs with partially severed ears.

Creatures recovered from the revolting scene also include a near-dead baby rat tied up in a bag with chicken bones; a freshly-decapitated chicken head; a live hen in distress; and a dead dog with its neck snapped.

According to that same report, it is believed that these animal sacrifices are being conducted by migrants from India

Jamaica Bay has been a popular religious site among members of the Hindu Guyanese and Indo-Caribbean diaspora living in nearby neighborhoods, including Richmond Hill and Ozone Park.

Along the waterway, which has been nicknamed the “Ganges” by some, after the sacred body of water in India, people regularly gather to give offerings, typically flowers and fruits, and leave statues of deities as well as prayer flags.

This sort of thing may be perfectly normal in India, but it just isn’t going to fly in New York City.

If you or I moved to another country, we would be expected to try to assimilate.

But a lot of the people that are crossing our borders illegally have no intention of doing that.

In fact, a lot of them are coming here with very evil intentions.  For example, the ultra-violent Venezuelan gang known as “Tren de Aragua” is rapidly establishing a very extensive criminal network throughout the continental United States.  The following comes from a report that was just released by James O’Keefe

LEAKED: U.S. Army CUI Documents Reveal Expanding Threat of Venezuelan Criminal Organization ‘Tren de Aragua’ Across NYC and Denver

@OKeefeMedia has obtained Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) from the U.S. Army of the North Division, highlighting the growing presence of one of Venezuela’s largest criminal organizations in the U.S. The document states that Tren de Aragua “has established a presence in Brooklyn, Bronx, and Williamsburg, NY,”with “approximately 400 TdA members” living in these cities. The CUI also warns that TdA members in Denver “have been given a ‘green light’ to fire on or attack law enforcement,” with Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) in New York receiving a similar report.

The document details how the criminal organization is using advanced technology and surveillance, heightening the danger to U.S. military personnel and law enforcement. It states, “Coordinated efforts between local, state, federal law enforcement, and the military are crucial” to protect against these expanding threats.

With National Guardsmen recently seen in subway stations across New York City, the situation is escalating as Venezuelan gang members, linked to the TdA, have been involved in violent incidents, including an attack on a Colorado apartment complex in late August.

The U.S. Army considers this to be a very serious threat to our national security.

So why aren’t our leaders in Washington doing something about this?

Over the past several years, millions upon millions of extremely desperate people have come pouring over our wide open borders, and that has set the stage for unprecedented chaos.

It isn’t going to take much to push this country over the edge, and when that inevitably occurs there are going to be vast numbers of extremely desperate people that are ready to run wild.

Our politicians in Washington have betrayed us, and the consequences of their very foolish decisions are going to be extremely bitter.

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