
An Analysis On Up-Coming Events

I believe it’s essential to have “Structured knowledge” of End-Time events. Those of us who “watch” cultural trends with a biblical perspective know what to expect, as foretold in the writings of the prophets and Jesus Himself.

When you have the structural knowledge of what will take place, you are not left confused by the many false doctrines and frivolous talk that passes through social media.

Some may not agree, but I have put together a brief analysis of some of the general events that we most likely can expect to occur over the next few months leading up to the election and even after.

The first thing we can anticipate from the Left is economic suffering and cultural decay will continue to grow much worse as the economy and culture will be in shambles leading up to November 2024.

They will persist in extravagantly squandering money at taxpayer expense, resembling inebriated lunatics, as the economy and culture continue to suffer the consequences, engulfed in chaos as each month passes.

The wicked globalist and their henchmen have been trying to derail President Trump for what seems like eternity, and yet, he keeps springing right back up! Despite the “best efforts” of the liberal attorneys and justices in the fallen blue state cities. They are unable to stop him from running for president.

False allegations and corrupt court verdicts in spiritually dead cities like NYC and D.C. are enough to destroy any human individual character. This indicates to me that something is going on in the unseen realm, and it is an unquestionably spiritual element at work. When an immensely wicked force repeatedly collides with an immovable barrier, and the barrier consistently is strengthened beyond measure (of course, I’m talking about President Trump), we understand that God is working on behalf of President Trump.

Don’t worry; God is in control. His ways are not our ways, and God is allowing the evil to be “displayed” and using it for His purpose, just as He used Pharaoh. It looked like the Egyptians were going to succeed in wiping out the Israelites when they fled Egypt. Still, the Egyptians were the ones to perish as God caused the Red Sea to divide and the children of Israel passed over, but every Egyptian drowned, including Pharaoh.

President Trump is a Christian, while the Democrats do not believe in God and have completely abandoned God from their political agenda, as they hold a negative disposition toward Him and undeniably lack any inclination to show reverence toward Him. They have openly made it a point in all their actions, rules, and laws to confirm it. Whatever the almighty God has instructed humanity to live by, they have adamantly opposed and done so with a smile on their face and pride in it.

However, the defiant and ignorant individuals continue to serve a purpose in God’s ultimate plan until He chooses to remove them, and He will, but until He does, keep praying for President Trump and just sit back and watch how the “rats” scatter once the Lord says enough.

The same purpose for God’s plan remains valid as the liberal left, who hold no account toward God, fraudulently obtained the 2020 election. They achieved it through every measure of deceit they could conceive. They were able to move forward in their destructive plan because God allowed them to do so, as He is using them to fulfill what has been foretold about the last days and a final world government to be established, and this is what they are feverishly working toward, as they continue to spin their deception on the ignorant sheeple.

Many of the righteous struggle as they have witnessed the corruption and injustice done and wonder why God has not held any of the evil Democrats accountable. Once again, it is because God wants them (at this time) to remain unpunished to accomplish His goals, and at the right time, His time, He will make them pay for their actions.

In the meantime, as we approach elections and some time afterward, many people’s lives will become more difficult, particularly those who are less fortunate financially.

Because of such suffering under the Biden regime, the polls are showing the overwhelming amount of American people are supporting President Trump, and no amount of cheating that the evil Democrats manufacture on votes will succeed.

The rubber band “always” snaps back, and the American people have endured tremendous hardships under those who are anti-American.

Our problems are many, and even when President Trump wins the election, the evil will not cease, and the anarchists and rioters will persist and become worse than the last time.

President Trump will work on fixing the economy, but the moral decay of the country can never be fixed; it will get worse, as foretold, that evil men and seducers will become worse and worse.

Most of the swamp creatures will probably look for new swampland to obtain and plan their next move, and when 2029 comes around, you can be sure they will come back with a vengeance. According to their websites, 2030 is the year all things will be complete. In the meantime, the godless Democrats are turning the major Blue state cities into cesspools.

New York City has become so bad that it could possibly collapse by 2026, and the UN may move its headquarters to a newly built city of Babylon in the land of Shiner, which is mentioned several times in the Bible. It is at the location where the ancient Tower of Babel was built, which is present-day Iraq.

After a short time, the UN will be broken up, and a new system, extremely worse and an abomination, will take its place.

The digital IDs and vaccine passports will then be completely rolled out across the planet and become mandatory participation; without them, no one can buy or sell.

The Rapture of the church will take place before the Beast of Revelation 13 is revealed, who will require everyone on the planet to pledge allegiance to him, and by doing so, it requires one to take his mark on their right hand or forehead.

God does not want anyone to perish, but what He foretold will come to pass.

There is a simple way to be spared from the dark storm on the horizon. You will find it in (Romans 10:9-10).

Lori B

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