
America’s Freedoms

As we celebrate July 4th week, let us reflect on America’s Freedom.

A country established on Biblical principles that the founders set a precedent for us is no longer the case.

The enemy is inside the gate, and the root of evil is firmly entrenched in the land.

Psalm 127 tells of the demise of a nation when it rejects God, and we are witnessing the realities of the destruction and its deterioration.

It is no longer “God Bless America,” as He will not bless a nation in rebellion to His ordinances and His rule of law.

Looking back throughout the pages in time, within just the past 4-5 years, the progressive measures of decline in the moral structure of the nation are recognizable and prominent, especially in the evidence of the harming of children; nothing can be more obvious.

The murdering of babies up to the 9th month and even after, the mutilation of young children’s body parts, and the act itself of instilling confusion in them about their gender as early as four years old is in direct opposition to God.

When such abominations occur in a land that once had God’s blessings upon it in freedom and prosperity, He will then pronounce judgment upon it, and freedoms will be lost.

We have already witnessed such acts of judgment fall on the land. Our natural resources are being exterminated, food prices are skyrocketing, and families have to decide whether to pay their electric bill or put food on the table to feed their children. Inflation is at an all-time high; our borders are flooded with millions of other people coming into the land and taking jobs away from its citizens. If I am not mistaken, political leaders’ job at one time was to serve the people; why are billions of dollars sent to Ukraine and Iran? And why are the people silent when the money can be used to help the homeless, Vets, and those most in need in the country?

Sadly, most Americans have been lulled into (normalcy bias) believing the lies and gaslighting of hierarchy that we have a booming economy and low inflation, and certain people are fighting for democracy and for us, the American people. The “proof” is in the “pudding.”

If you are part of the “sane.” group, then you have eyes to see and ears to hear facts. Despite, as an example, Jill Biden going on camera in the “after debate” telling Joe as if he was a little boy, what a “Great Job” he did!

Fact check: She could have told him that off camera, but no, she chose to go before the whole world, on camera, telling “All of Us” Joe did a great Job. In reality, in the progressive mindset, she told us, despite what we saw and heard, “We didn’t see, and we didn’t hear” Joe’s screw-ups! That was a form of manipulation, and she continued to show tricks and tactics the left would use to continue lulling the masses into a (normalcy bias) that everything is going well!

The nation’s rebellion toward God has put us on a path to being a “leaderless” country, which is why America is in a downward spiral. As the leaders of other countries said after watching the debate, Biden looked like the leader just before the fall of the Roman Empire.

Freedom has always been a cornerstone of the American human spirit, but it is severely compromised by greed, money, and the power of elitists.

This country is the focus of wealthy narcissistic individuals who hate America and are rapidly doing everything they can to destroy it and will not stop until they do.

Without America as a free country, all other countries outside the nation will quickly submit to a one-world system, their agenda.

The crushing of all our freedoms and all resistance is to a totalitarian regime that will ultimately establish a (new reset) under the Final World Empire.

May everyone have a Blessed and Happy 4th of July! It may be our last in Freedom!

Lori B


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