
America in the Crosshairs: Imam Facchine’s Plot to Silence Dissent and Build an Islamic Army to Impose Sharia (Video)

America in the Crosshairs: Imam Facchine’s Plot to Silence Dissent and Build an Islamic Army to Impose Sharia (Video)

Imam Tom Facchine is spearheading a calculated campaign to radicalize young Muslims across the West, using his Wahhabi-inspired teachings and influence within extremist groups to dismantle Western institutions and impose Sharia, while the media and left-wing establishment remain disturbingly silent, enabling his dangerous mission.

U.S. Imam Tom Facchine, a figure deeply embedded in the global jihadist movement, is playing a central role in the radicalization of young Muslims across America and Europe. His influence stretches far beyond isolated sermons—from urging pro-Hamas students to target and destroy the careers of pro-Israel professors to spreading anti-Jewish conspiracies in London. Facchine’s speeches at Muslim Brotherhood-linked events and his leadership in Wahhabi-inspired organizations, like the Yaqeen Institute, expose a deliberate effort to dismantle Western institutions from within. Despite the gravity of his Islamic rhetoric, both the media and political left remain disturbingly silent, offering cover for his dangerous campaign to impose Sharia (Islamic law) across the West.

In the latest deeply troubling revelation, Facchine is actively calling on pro-Hamas students to target and destroy the careers of pro-Israel professors, with the goal of silencing any dissent against the Islamic agenda he espouses. His August 20, 2023, speech at a Muslim Brotherhood-connected event hosted by the Muslim Student Association (MSA) is just one of many examples of his escalating efforts to radicalize young Muslims in America. This event highlights a broader pattern in Facchine’s campaign to sow division and promote Islamic supremacy—all while the media stays disturbingly silent. The left, which claims to stand for tolerance and freedom, is not only ignoring this threat but appears complicit in helping jihadis like Facchine in their quest to dismantle the West from within.

America in the Crosshairs: Imam Facchine’s Plot to Silence Dissent and Build an Islamic Army to Impose Sharia (Video)


Facchine’s Call to Action: Silence Pro-Israel Voices

Imam Tom Facchine did not mince words when he instructed pro-Hamas students on how to destroy the careers of pro-Israel professors like Shai Davidai. During the MSA “Islamic Political Activism” event, Facchine explicitly encouraged students to make an example out of Davidai to intimidate others into silence. His chilling suggestion that taking down one professor could silence “a hundred more” is not just rhetoric—it is a battle cry for Muslims and their left-wing allies on American campuses who are using the freedoms of the West to wage war against it.

Facchine’s speech was not an isolated incident. It is part of a broader campaign led by Islamic groups like the MSA—an organization that was founded with direct ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, a group whose goal is to establish Sharia (Islamic law) globally. Facchine’s role in radicalizing students through this organization is part of a larger movement that aims to silence anyone who dares to oppose their views, especially when it comes to support for Israel.

The Radical Agenda of the Muslim Student Association

The MSA event, where Facchine delivered his incendiary speech, is no ordinary student group. Founded in the 1960s by members of the Muslim Brotherhood, the MSA serves as a breeding ground for Islamist activism in the United States. With over 600 chapters nationwide, it operates as a key lobbying arm for Wahhabi Islam, spreading classical or orthodox Islamic ideology on campuses across the country.

The MSA’s loyalty to the Muslim Brotherhood is not hidden—it is embedded in its activities and rhetoric. The pledge of allegiance recited by MSA members mirrors the Muslim Brotherhood’s own credo, proclaiming that “Jihad is our way, and dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.”

In 2011, at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), a frequent speaker for the MSA, jihadi Amir Abdel Malik Ali, recited the MSA pledge of allegiance, which is shockingly similar to the Muslim Brotherhood’s motto.


This is the organization that Imam Facchine is empowering, using it as a platform to push for radical Islamic activism while demonizing pro-Israel voices and encouraging students to silence those who stand against their agenda.

Radical Roots: Imam Facchine’s Path to Orthodox Islam

Imam Tom Facchine is not just another Islamic preacher—his background exposes just how deeply rooted he is in the global jihadist movement. Understanding Facchine’s path to Orthodox Islam, often referred to as extremism, sheds light on his calculated approach to spreading Islamic supremacy today. Born and raised as a Christian in Southern New Jersey, Facchine initially studied Political Science and International Relations at Vassar College, where he embraced Islam shortly after spending a semester abroad in Turkey. This conversion in 2010 marked the beginning of his journey down a radical path. After completing his degree, Facchine pursued independent studies in Arabic before gaining admission to the Islamic University of Madinah, a hub for orthodox Islamic ideology in Saudi Arabia.

Facchine’s background, rooted in orthodox Islamic teachings from Saudi Arabia, is pivotal in understanding his platform today. His connection to radical institutions like the Lewisham Islamic Centre, notorious for hosting religious Muslims considered to be ‘extremists’, reinforces his radical agenda. Through his Wahhabi training and continued efforts to spread Islamic supremacy, Facchine’s influence has now extended beyond just his local mosque, fueling radical ideologies across the U.S. and Europe.

From 2015 to 2020, Facchine immersed himself in the dangerous Wahhabi ideology at the Islamic University of Madinah. There, he obtained not only an associate degree in Classical Arabic (2016) but also a bachelor’s degree in Comparative Islamic Law (2020). The university, particularly its Faculty of Sharia, is infamous for producing radical Islamic scholars who advocate for the global spread of Sharia law and the violent enforcement of Islamic supremacy. Facchine also completed the chaplaincy program conducted under the supervision of The Prophet’s Mosque in 2019—further cementing his connection to one of the most fundamentalist schools of thought in Islam. His study of tafseer under Shaykh Abdallah Shinqeeti at the Prophet’s Masjid is noted as one of his most impactful influences, further solidifying his commitment to a hardline interpretation of Islamic law.

On June 11, 2015, Tom Facchine openly discussed his conversion to Islam and his journey to the notorious Islamic University of Madinah:



Facchine’s time in Saudi Arabia did more than provide him with an education; it armed him with the tools to return to America with a mission to radicalize others and spread Sharia law. His decision to study at the heart of Wahhabism was a deliberate choice to immerse himself in an ideology that promotes the subjugation of non-Muslims, the oppression of women, and the violent enforcement of Islamic rule. His studies in Comparative Islamic Law and his training in Arabic and chaplaincy equipped him with the knowledge and authority to push these dangerous ideologies once he returned to the West.

Now, as the resident scholar at Utica Masjid (Muslim Community Association of Mohawk Valley) and the Research Director of Islam and Society at the notoriously radical Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research, Facchine is in a prime position to influence and radicalize young Muslims across the United States. His role as an instructor at Legacy International Online High School, where he teaches Tafseer (Quranic exegesis) and Islamic History, places him directly in contact with impressionable young students.

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