
Alert! Digital Mandates Rolled Out

Digital ID mandates are being rolled out, and Australia is the first country, along with Canada. The US is not exempt, as several cities and states are in preparation to comply with the mandates.

The UN and World Economic Forum, along with Bill Gates and other globalists, are two main organizations involved in planning and implementing it.

I, as well as many others, have been sounding the alarm for quite some time on it in hopes that you are prepared to not fall into the “trap” set by pedophiles and other freaks for you and your family.

I encourage you to listen to this excellent video, which documents the goals they have set out to use on all humanity. They are using Digital ID mandates and detention camps to reeducate those who are against the mandates. Canada already has the camps in place, and Kathy Hackle, mayor of NYC, has reopened them in her area.    Lori B

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